Now Accepting New Patients – Appointments Available as Soon as Next Week!
The Local Hearing Healthcare Experts That Help You to Hear The Life That You Love
Trusted by Thousands of Local People and Lead Physicians for Delivering the Most Advanced Audiological Care in Alaska

Now Accepting New Patients – Appointments Available as Soon as Next Week!

“A Personal Message from Dr. Emily E McMahan”

“The worst part of hearing loss is that it doesn’t just impact your ability to hear, but it also impacts the enjoyment of the things that uniquely craft who you are.
“I set up Alaska Hearing & Tinnitus Center to help our special part of the world to understand that hearing loss is rarely a sign that something is broken, but it is often a sign of somebody that lives an experience-rich life that their ears have struggled to keep up with.
“My team and I now spend our time helping local people to hear the life that they love and confidently return to what makes them happy.
“With multiple award wins and a reputation for delivering the most advanced audiological hearing healthcare by adopting the cutting edge in clinical best practices, we’re trusted by thousands of local people, multiple generations of families, and the state’s best physicians.
“With you and your experience being at the forefront of every decision, we were the first licensed audiologists to proudly serve patients remotely in 2018 to ensure that regardless of where you are in Alaska, you can access the highest level of hearing healthcare.
“If you or a loved one is experiencing any hearing challenges, has ringing in the ears, or has any hearing-related concerns, then my hand on heart promise to you is that we’re here for you.
“We look forward to meeting you!”
As Featured In:

Request a Callback
It’s often the small things that hold us back from making the right decisions. That’s why we have our team of hearing care experts available to help.
Simply complete this form and when we’re available between appointments, we’ll call you for a friendly, no-obligation conversation to answer your questions, help with any challenges and offer our professional guidance.
Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!
Don’t want to wait? Call us at: (907) 522-4357
Complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss how we will be able to assist you
The Ways We Can Help You

Why Hearing Loss is So Difficult to Self-Diagnose
The biggest reason that so many people are walking around with an untreated hearing loss and a limited ability to connect is because self-diagnosing a hearing loss is very difficult.
With hearing loss often being very gradual and slow, the incremental day-to-day differences are almost impossible to notice, with no way to compare your level of hearing today to what it was yesteryear. This is why our loved ones are often the first people that notice our hearing challenges.
The problem with an untreated hearing loss is that it continues to worsen until addressed, with many people waiting several years between first experiencing hearing challenges and taking any form of meaningful action.
We’re passionate about raising awareness for the importance of regular hearing testing, with hearing loss recently listed as the third most common physical condition in the US and the World Health Organization predicting that hearing loss cases will double by 2050.
If you or a loved one is concerned about your hearing, then the first step is to have a comprehensive hearing assessment, performed by an expert hearing doctor. It’s quick, non-invasive, and you’ll be able to receive accurate results right after the short test.
Alaska’s Only Full Service Tinnitus Management
If you have been experiencing a ringing, buzzing, or humming sound in your ears, you’ll know just how frustrating and debilitating this can be.
Nothing can stop you from hearing the life that you love more than a continuous high-pitched sound that prevents you from being able to enjoy the special moments.
As Alaska’s only full service tinnitus management service, our team is trained on how to address hearing challenges through a methodical management process. Masking is not tinnitus management.
Whereas many hearing care providers would promise that prescription hearing aids are the only solution, the truth is that in many cases, they are not and only marginally help to manage the challenges that you’re facing. Our approach doesn’t just put a band-aid on the problem, but it also helps you to successfully manage it in your everyday life.
Through a combination of our unique Tinnitus methodology through to being one of the first 15 healthcare professionals in the US that is trained & qualified in the revolutionary Lenire ® – we’ll be able to find the right solution for your unique circumstances.

Advanced Technology Hearing Aids That Fit Your Lifestyle
When someone brings up the subject of hearing aids, you probably get nervous, recalling those bulky, fastidious gadgets worn by your parents or grandparents.
Fortunately, modern hearing aids are nothing like those outdated devices thanks to advancements in micro-digital technology. Similar to how cell phones and televisions perform far better than they did a decade past, hearing aids are also more powerful and produce sound clarity far beyond older analogue devices.
Today’s hearing aids allow for greater wearing discretion because they are smaller, lightweight, and go completely unnoticed. Other features of modern digital hearing aids are more powerful, longer lasting, feature rechargeable batteries, as well as the capability to link your hearing aids to your smartphone, television, computer, and other digital devices for an enhanced hearing experience.
Learn more about advanced hearing aid technology available from Alaska Hearing and Tinnitus Center.
Patient Stories
"I enjoy so many more activities than before"
“I realized there may be a hearing challenge when I started asking for the hearing impaired headphones at the movie theater. I told myself it was to drown out the other people around me, but it was because I couldn’t hear clearly enough to make out the dialogue."
Becki G
“I’m very satisfied with the care and service Alaska Hearing provide”
“My hearing loss came in two stages. I lost the hearing in one ear due to the mumps at age 12. So I have had single-sided deafness since then. As I got older, I began to lose the hearing in my “good” ear. I have lost some of the higher frequencies. It became difficult to hear certain people speaking and I could see everyone else could hear them fine."
Larry S
"The staff at Alaska Hearing were very friendly and concerned that I understood everything they explained"
“I first thought that I may have a hearing loss when I had to have people repeat what they were saying to me. I didn’t really have any concerns prior to my appointment, as my father wore hearing aids, but I wondered what people would think about me wearing hearing aids."
Sue B
"Doctor McMahan was so kind and made us all feel very comfortable, safe, and cared for"
“My son is autistic and I was worried about how he would respond to being tested. I was very pleased with our first appointment. Doctor McMahan was so kind and patient. She got on our son’s level, explained everything calmly to him, and made us all feel very comfortable, safe, and cared for."
Cal K
“With my hearing aids, I can hear my grandkids, and my wife is a very happy woman”
“I pretty much have had ringing in my ears my whole life. I have always struggled and normally had to be looking at a person to read their lips if I was going to understand a conversation. In large groups, it was useless to try and carry on a conversation. Before my appointment, the cost of hearing aids was a real fear for me."
Joseph L
“My quality of life has drastically improved since purchasing my hearing devices”
“I was 14 or 15 years old and a teacher noticed that I was falling behind in the class discussion. She requested a hearing test and I was informed that I have a significant loss. This was devastating news for a person to receive. Before my appointment at Alaska Hearing, I was afraid I was not going to be able to get the help I needed and that cost would be more than I could afford."
Ryan H
“Now that I can hear, I am not embarrassed to get into a conversation, nor an argument, nor a discussion”
“[My hearing loss] was not immediate, but as time went on, I could tell I wasn’t hearing enough. I became less outgoing. I was in a shell. Less a part of the group. I had originally gone to a discount seller and that’s what I got, a discount set of hearing aids. At my first appointment, I was very impressed and assured they would be doing a good job."
“I have much less ringing and I’m able to concentrate more”
“I became concerned about my hearing due to ringing in the ears. I found a comfortable setting and exceptional staff at Alaska Hearing. Now, I have much less ringing and I’m able to concentrate more. It’s a great place to go.”
“With my hearing aids, I can hear my family, I can hear better at work, and I feel overall less stressed!”
“I was ashamed I needed help. I am young compared to everyone else I know who wears hearing aids. Before my appointment at Alaska Hearing, I thought I would be pressured into hearing aids. I thought they would be large and noticeable."
“A hearing test is the start of reconnecting with your world”
“I suspected I might have a hearing loss when I could hear the coffee pot beep in my right ear but not my left ear. Before coming to Alaska Hearing, my biggest concern was price point value. Yes, hearing aids are as expensive as a mid-range laptop, but the benefits are worth it."
Steve M
Hearing Health Resources
Hearing Aids & Ear Infections
Hearing Aid Users Received Additional Benefit in Their Tinnitus Journey with Lenire® Bimodal Neuromodulation Treatment
What Are My Options to Address Hearing Loss in 2025?
Frequently Asked Questions
#1. Can earwax cause hearing loss?
Earwax can cause a “temporary” hearing loss if it is fully occluding the ear canal. This temporary hearing loss can be fixed by removing the earwax in question. An audiologist has special tools to remove earwax successfully. In our office, we can remove wax using two different methods. Manual removal via instrumentation under microscope, as well as irrigation.
#2. What happens if I have sudden hearing loss in one ear?
A sudden hearing loss is considered an emergency and needs to be addressed immediately. The first step to getting treatment is to schedule a hearing evaluation as soon as possible. Our office leaves space in our daily schedule for emergency appointments.
#3. What is Sensorineural hearing loss?
Sensorineural hearing loss is hearing loss that occurs due to damage to the inner ear. This is a permanent hearing loss.
#4. What are the causes of conductive hearing loss?
Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound cannot travel through the outer or middle ear. This can be due to various reasons, including earwax, and ear infection, or an issue with the middle ear bones.
#5. What are the key things to look out for when choosing where to have a hearing test?
Who is performing the test? What are their qualifications? Are they board certified?
#6. How trustworthy are online hearing tests?
Online hearing tests may be a useful screening tool to determine if a patient needs to be seen for a comprehensive hearing evaluation. They are not performed in a controlled sound environment (ie: sound booth), and do not include masking, WRS, etc. They also don’t address tinnitus, aural fullness, dizziness/vertigo, or hyperacusis concerns.