Kelly Todd

Kelly Todd, Audiology Assistant

Professional Bio:

Kelly Todd moved to Alaska in 2004 right out of college. Originally from Montana, she went to Montana State University in Bozeman where she majored in Health and Human Development. She worked for several years working for Hope Community Resources as a Care Coordinator, then for the State of Alaska Department of Health and Human Services before taking some time to stay home with her kids. She has been a full time Audiology Assistant and team member of Alaska Hearing & Tinnitus Center since 2020! She is also our in-house Lenire troubleshooting. specialist for patients.

Just for fun:

Kelly, originally from Montana, has been in Alaska for 20 years this summer. She loves living in Alaska and takes advantage of all the wonderful things this state has to offer. In the summer, you can find her at the baseball field, camping with her family, hiking, and spending weekends with friends at Big Lake. Winter brings skiing and snowboarding with her family and traveling to find the sun –especially to warm beaches during the long winter months. Kelly is passionate about spending time watching her kids play sports and rock climb, learning new games, playing on the lake, and discovering new parts of Alaska.
Kelly Todd, Audiology Assistant at Alaska Hearing & Tinnitus

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