Enrolling in any type of healthcare insurance has some confusing aspects to it. This is no different to dealing with your hearing as well. We handle insurance inquiries daily at our clinic and have learned quite a few things about working with these companies.
There can be some hurdles to overcome when trying to get your hearing aids through an insurance company. At times, it can seem impossible to get the help you need.
At Alaska Hearing and Tinnitus Center, we get it. Hearing healthcare is our profession, and we want to ensure you understand more about your insurance program so you can take advantage of it in full.
We’re on your side and work for you to get the best care possible, both physically and financially.
Does My Insurance Cover Hearing Aids?
This is hard to determine immediately because, first, we must identify the details of your plan. There are many programs out there, so we will have to go over your plan specifically. Here are a few of the most popular insurance programs available.
Medicare — This health insurance is provided by the government for people over the age of 64. It also includes younger people with disabilities. At this time, Medicare does not cover hearing aids. Medicare may cover your hearing assessment if you have met your deductible and have a physician referral.
Medicaid — This health insurance is provided by the government for those with low income. They also do not cover hearing aids but may cover the cost of getting cochlear implants if it’s proven you have severe hearing loss.
Tricare — TriCare for Life does not cover hearing aids for retirees or dependents. However, you may be able to obtain hearing aids through other government programs, such as:
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) — If you served in the military, you must provide sufficient proof that your hearing loss was caused by conditions related to your service. If that’s the case, there is a strong chance you could have your condition treated at a VA hospital.
Blue Cross —A hearing test is considered diagnostic and is typically covered either in part or all by Blue Cross. Many programs offer hearing aid coverage. Please contact us here, and we will be happy to review your insurance.
If My Plan Provides a Benefit, How Much Will I Receive?
To fully understand your plan’s benefits, we must sit down and discuss the particulars. There is no one-size-fits-all regarding insurance, and we want to ensure no incorrect information is being relayed.
Some plans will fully cover the cost but may require you to buy from a company that is not best for you. Some plans will cover only part of the cost because the hearing aids you need are more expensive than what the plan offers.
It really is a case-by-case situation. The sooner you come to see us, the sooner we can get your hearing back on track.
Ask Our In-House Insurance Agent
We want to cover your hearing health from top to bottom, including dealing with insurance companies. We have a dedicated insurance agent who stays up to date on all the ins and outs of insurance plans right here in Alaska.
This is a huge advantage that we are grateful to have. Everything you need to improve your hearing can be done under the same roof.
What Are the First Steps to Taking Advantage of Hearing Insurance?
If you already have insurance, then you can contact us here, and we’ll be sure to answer all your questions. We can set up a meeting with our insurance specialist, who will be able to manage all the fine print for you.
If you don’t have insurance yet, then we can help you with that as well. We know all the best programs for hearing health and can help you choose the best one based on your hearing condition.
We are standing by and ready to help you throughout your entire hearing journey.