The 6 Big Reasons To NOT Treat Your Hearing Loss

09/03/2021 | Hearing Loss, Hearing Test, Patient Resources

There are many articles and leaflets that share all the reasons you SHOULD choose to treat a hearing loss.

However, nobody openly shares all the reasons that you should choose NOT to treat your hearing loss.

With a recent study suggesting that “only 14% of the approximately 48 million Americans with hearing loss use them,” – there must clearly be some very good reasons to continue to delay treating your hearing loss. In this article, we’re going to explore all the key reasons.

If you or a loved one falls into the 86% of people that have some form of a hearing challenge but have yet to visit a professional, then be sure to read/share this article, as it will ring true to you and give you the justification that you’re doing the right thing. 

With that said, let’s go through the smart reasons to continue to delay treating your hearing loss.

#1 – Your Grandkids Don’t Have Anything Worth Saying Anyway

Kids are not the smartest, and most of what comes out of their mouths is mind-numbingly stupid anyway.

By having an untreated hearing loss, you’re able to blissfully ignore what they say.

Sure, it annoys them, and it impacts your relationship with them, but they’ll probably forget all of this anyway.

#2 – Restaurants Are For Eating And Not Talking Anyway

Is there anything worse than having a conversation in a restaurant? Why would you want to chat with others when you have delicious food in front of you?

By having an untreated hearing loss, you can drown out the background noise and conversations and just focus on eating your food in silence. The only advantage of having people with you is that they can communicate with the waiter/waitress on your behalf!

#3 – It’s Fun To Annoy Your Family – You’re A Prankster!

The ultimate practical joke is to annoy your family that much that it kills conversations and drives them to stop engaging with you or asking you questions. That is first-class prankster material, right?

Plus, why would you want to speak to your family anyway when you can watch your television instead? Especially when you’re in control of the volume!

Hearing loss gives you the special ability to not be able to communicate with your family – giving you more peace & quiet.

#4 – Your Spouse Has Nothing Interesting To Say Anyway

Can you remember the last time that your spouse said anything useful, entertaining, or interesting? Probably not. After so many years together, you prefer not being able to hear them or communicate with them.

An untreated hearing loss means that you can stop communicating with your wife in a nice way and instead turn your relationship into a shouting conversation that usually feels like more effort than it’s worth. 

#5 – It’s Fun Asking Everybody To Repeat Themselves, Right?

Nothing is better than going grocery shopping and asking the cashier to repeat the price three times or ordering a coffee and ending up with something that you didn’t want because it was easier just to answer “yes” than ask them to repeat themselves.

It really does add an element of surprise to the most mundane of tasks!

Untreated hearing loss adds some extra spice and excitement to your day by making simple communication challenging. You never quite know what you’re going to get at a restaurant or what will be the outcome of your drive-thru order.

#6 – There Are Better Things To Spend Your Money On

Who in their right mind would invest their money into being able to hear better, communicate better, and hear the life that they love? Health and quality of life aren’t that important, right?

For the same amount of money, you could buy a new quad bike!

Seriously, what’s better? Being able to hear your loved ones, communicate freely, and be able to hear at your best or go 30mph on a brightly colored quad bike? It’s clearly the latter.

This Is Clearly A Joke…But With A Serious Message

Although this article aims to have some fun and point out the hypocrisy of the many reasons/excuses that we hear that stop people from addressing their hearing challenge, it comes with a serious message.

Nothing is more important than your health, and having an untreated hearing loss is seriously not fun.

Every day, we’re speaking to families that are frustrated at their loved ones because they either don’t believe they have a hearing loss or they’re refusing to do anything about it.

The biggest challenge with most hearing losses is that they happen slowly and gradually, making them almost impossible to notice, with no noticeable day-to-day changes.

Worst of all, there’s no way to compare your hearing today to what it was once like. This is why your loved ones are often the first people to notice, as they have a level of comparison to what is normal.

It’s why the first step, regardless of what you believe, should be to simply have your hearing tested by a hearing care professional.

It’s simple, it’s non-invasive, and you’ll be walked through the results immediately – but this simple test will allow you to understand if you have a hearing loss, what the treatment looks like, and what your options are.

It will ensure that you’re at least informed of your situation, and who knows, it may be a simple fix like a buildup of earwax!

To schedule your consultation with Alaska’s most trusted hearing care experts, simply click here and complete the form.

If you have any questions or need any help, then you can call us at (907) 522-4357.

As this article has proved, we’ve yet to hear a good excuse to delay treating your hearing loss – for your sake and your family’s sake; you’re encouraged to make today the day that you take your first step toward better hearing.

Do you know somebody that needs to see this? Why not share it?

Dr. Emily E McMahan

Dr. McMahan attended the University of Cincinnati where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders in 2009. She furthered her professional education by obtaining her Doctorate of Audiology from Salus University in Philadelphia in 2013. She completed her residency in Anchorage and has been applying her expertise to her patients in the Pacific Northwest for several years. Whether you need hearing testing, hearing aids, or assistance with managing tinnitus in your daily lives, Dr. McMahan is qualified to assist you!

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